9 thoughts on “A commentary on Marijuana Decriminalization”

  1. Hector, I love your piece, but I’m not sure I believe your argument. You said that half the kids at your school smoke or know someone who smokes – but the change in the law just happened. It has been illegal to smoke, but this hasn’t kept all these kids from smoking. What do you think would actually help?You are sounding more and more professional in your radio pieces. Keep up the great work! 🙂M.


  2. Very interesting…Hector have you come across any statistics from other countries that have decriminalized marijuana as to whether use increased (or decreased)? I’d be interested to see those numbers. My guess is it stayed about the same.Nice work…keep rockin’ out on Zumix Radio.


  3. Hector – love your opinion, however I don’t think making it legal or illegal will make a difference. Like cigarette smokers, they are going to do it either way. What bothers me is that I am subjected to the odor and the second hand smoke from the marijuana. Second hand smoke either from a cigarette or a joint, in my opinion, has the same dangers. I find myself crossing the street or rolling up my car windows, so that Angelina does not inhale the smoke. There should be restrictions on where and when. Great job – keep up the good work


  4. Hi Madeleine, thank you for responding to my blog. I agree with you when you say that even though it was illegal before, kids smoked it. I don’t know what would actually help in this situation, but i believe the media also contributes to kids smoking. Maybe we should make it illegal for media to say stuff about marijuana. Hi marlene, thank you for your response.Hi Sam, thank you for responding to my blog. It means a lot to me.I haven’t come across stats from other countries which have decriminalized marijuana, but i will look it up. I disagree that it would be the same numbers because i think decriminalizing marijuana would encourage more people to use it.Hi michelle, thank you very much for your response. At this point I think you’re wrong about not making a difference if its illegal or legal. People would smoke less if it’s illegal and if it’s legal, people will smoke more.


  5. My guess is that the smokers will still smoke if you make pot illegal. The real question is whether making pot illegal will decrease the number of people that just casually try one and then get addicted. For some people (daredevils), breaking the boundary is so much more tempting than being a goody good so maybe making it illegal for them is just making them want to do it more. I just wish that some how, everyone will just open their eyes and see how terrible the consequences of smoking are.


  6. Hector,You sound great… I disagree with your opinion, however. I certainly think that kids need to stay in school, absolutely. I don’t think that smoking weed is good for kids; I don’t think (and I know this is unrealistic) kids should smoke while their bodies and brains are still growing/developing. And the active ingredient (THC) stays in the body for a month afterwards — kids who smoke regularly may lose clarity regarding what it’s like to be completely ‘straight.’But in a land where three of the last US presidents have admitted smoking, where for more than a generation been it’s been part of our national cultural fabric, the idea that it is a criminal offense is absurd. The use is so widespread and imbedded that the laws can’t be enforced in a comprehensive way, … we end up creating a class of criminals where there need not be. Also, we could benefit from the revenue that could come from regulating and taxing of it, not to mention the idea that hemp, as a multi-use (clothes, paper, etc) plant could be grown in the states where currently tobacco is grown instead.


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