A Commentary on Peer Pressure

Peer pressure can have either a positive or a negative effect on youth. If you are interested to know more, click here for Justin’s hard hitting commentary

7 thoughts on “A Commentary on Peer Pressure”

  1. I am proud you took a controversial stand. It took courage. I enjoyed you candor about the subject. You were able to take the subject and come to a view point based not only on your own opinion but using current research data, compile a case to support your choice.


  2. Justin, this is such a cool piece. What do you think draws kids to negative peer pressure? Where can kids link in to groups of friends that would provide positive peer pressure. Thanks for your hard work. You have become such an impressive young man. Olympics 2012… go team go!


  3. Thank you all for your comments. It is great to know that there are others who feel the same as I do about peer pressure. To Madeleine, I believe that kids are drawn to negative peer pressure when something becomes popular or when a certain group of friends are doing bad things. This influences kids to do the wrong thing because they are misguided. You can find positive friends at, school clubs, and outreach places such as Zumix. And yes, go team of 2012! To Sam, it is nice to hear from you and I will continue. Thanks for the positive peer pressure.


  4. I don’t think there is anyone that has gone through their teens and that hasn’t experienced peer pressure. It takes a lot to stand up for yourself when you know that the people you stand up to are not going to accept you anymore, but by standing up for yourself or others, you become a leader for those who have yet to take that step. I like your choice of topic.


  5. Justin: I have spent the last two hours talking about peer pressure with one of our alumni. It is amazing that even in an environment like ZUMIX, peer pressure can become a huge thing. I hope strong, positive young people like yourself will help step-up and proudly buck the trend by making your own path to a positive future.Much love,M.


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